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Library Research Guides

Academic Writing: Plagiarism

An introduction to academic writing.

Online Resources

ARC's Expectations of Student Behavior & Conduct

Here you'll find the definition and possible consequences of plagiarism at ARC. 

What is Plagiarism?

Plagiarism is a form of academic dishonesty. According to the American River College Guide to Expectations of Student Behavior & Conduct:

Plagiarism is representing the work of another person as one's own work and submitting it to fulfill the academic requirements of the course. Examples:

  • Submitting a written paper purchased or obtained from an outside source.
  • Representing another's creation (painting, photo, music composition, computer program, etc.) as your own product and work.
  • Incorporating words, passages, ideas of another person's writing without citing appropriate credit or acknowledgement and representing it as your own.
  • Duplicating any previous academic work from another and then submitting them as your own for academic credit. (see page 5)

Consequences of academic dishonesty
Academic sanctions and penalties may be applied in cases of academic dishonesty depending on the seriousness of the infraction and those grading guidelines specified by the instructor of the class. You may:

  • Receive a failing grade on a test, paper, or examination.
  • Have your course grade lowered or possibly fail the course. (see page 6)

A Plagiarism Carol

From Universitetet i Bergen. Subtitles on!

ARC Library Research Tutorials

Looking for an introduction to library research? Enroll in our free, self-paced Library Research Tutorials. After clicking on the link and logging in to Canvas, click on "Enroll in Course." 
This set of seven lessons will guide you through how to be an effective student researcher. Each module takes about 15-30 minutes to complete and you'll get a certificate of completion for each one. 

Lessons include:

  • What Is Research?
  • Getting Started with Research
  • OneSearch Basics
  • Evaluating & Selecting Sources
  • Fact-Check: Understanding Misinformation and Disinformation New 2022!
  • Citing Sources and Avoiding Plagiarism  Updated 2022!