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Library Research Guides

HCD 310 - Professor Odell: Home


Hello Class!  My name is Kate Williamson, and I designed this guide to help you with the research portion of your HCD 310 Group Project.

  1. Please complete the Library Research Tutorials in Canvas course FIRST. These tutorials were designed by Los Rios librarians for Los Rios students, so you'll be able to apply what you learn to all of the resources in our libraries.
  2. Next, move through each tab of the guide to help you identify, narrow and find reliable sources on your topic. 

If you have a research related question, here are a few options for you:

  • You can also contact me directly:
    • Post your question in the Group Project Research Help- Ask a Librarian Discussion in your HCD 310 Canvas course. 
    • by email at (Please put "HCD 310" in the subject)
    • by calling me at (916) 484-8197 (if you leave a voicemail please mention HCD 310)
  • Use the 24/7 Chat with a Librarian global service. 
  • Call the Research Help Desk (916) 484-8458 to speak with a librarian (note: you may need to leave a message) 

Happy Searching!


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Kate Williamson
(916) 484-8197

Research Help Chat

Contact a Librarian

ask a librarian, contact us; phone, email, text

Group Project Assignment

Excerpts from your Assignment pertaining to Research

In groups of 4-7, create a step-by-step guide, brochure, infographic(s), article for a magazine or newspaper, top 5, 10 (or more) “listicle”, blog entry, how-to manual, speech, comics/comic book, letter to an incoming student, illustrated guide, video, PowerPoint, fictional story or any other creative format on a specific topic related to college success targeted at a college student audience.

TOPIC- 15 Points

From one of the following broad topics, you will work with your group to identify a sub-topic that you would like to focus on. You will turn in one typed Canvas text entry with all your names listed with the identified topic and the citation for at least 1 academic peer-reviewed journal article you are considering using as a source. Have one group member type in the Canvas text entry box with all group member names on it by the due date (see chart).

  • Choose one of the following broad topics and then a sub-topic related to college success:

    • Wellness

      • Sub-Topic Examples: Meditation, exercise, healthy eating, sleep, managing depression, managing anxiety, stress reduction, toxins in household and cosmetics etc. 

    • Careers and/or major choice

      • Sub-Topic Examples: Interviewing skills, effective networking, LinkedIn, job and internship search strategies

    • Effective communication

      • Sub-Topic Examples: Gender and communication, managing presentation anxiety, developing effective presentations, analyzing media messages, effective teamwork strategies, psychology of persuasion

    • Finances

      • Sub-Topic Examples: Investing for the future, saving for a home, minimalist lifestyle/frugal living, tiny home movement

    • Diversity

      • Sub-Topic Examples: Unconscious bias, objectification of women, depiction of minorities in media, challenges faced by first generation students, age discrimination (in education and work), issues faced by underserved groups (may choose to focus on one group, ie. Native Americans, African-Americans, etc.) in college

    • Happiness

      • Sub-Topic Examples: Wealth vs. wellbeing, the science of gratitude, effects of social media on happiness, hedonic adaptation/treadmill, resilience, emotional intelligence, self-compassion

    • College culture

      • Sub-Topic Examples: College drinking culture, academic cheating in college, homesickness, sexual harassment/assault on college campuses

. . . . .


Work with your group to create a works cited page including all the sources you used to create your project. This will include the two (or more) peer reviewed articles, but should also include anything found on the internet, in textbooks, radio, videos, articles, books etc.

For help with creating a works cited in the MLA format, please use the Owl Purdue Online Writing Lab, found here: See the left side bar for specific instructions on how to cite different types of sources.