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ESLW 325 & 340 - Professor Travis (Spring 2025): MLA Style

What Should I Do on This Page?

On this page, you'll find a MLA Style Overview video and print resources that will show you how to generate in-text citations and a Works Cited page in Word and Google Docs.  Definitely watch this video if you haven't used the 8th edition or if you'd like a review of the citations process.

You'll also find another video that explains when and why you should cite your sources as well as a link to the ARC Student Handbook that explains the consequences for plagiarism (one of those acts that can be committed knowingly as well as unknowingly, and the potentially negative consequences are the same).  So if you're not 100% sure what constitutes plagiarism, please watch the Cite Your Sources video.  In addition to this video, there are several print and online sources you can use to help guide you craft your citations.  But remember, if you have any questions, you can always email me or contact any of the ARC librarians.

MLA Style Overview (8th edition)

MLA Handbook @ the ARC Library

ARC's Expectations of Student Behavior & Conduct

Cite your Sources: When & Why

Helpful Guide from the ARC Library

MLA Guide at OWL Purdue