In this section, you'll find two complementary strategies, the CRAAP Test and the SIFT Method, that will increase your likelihood of finding credible sources and help you evaluate the content you find.
It will take practice to increase your proficiency using these strategies, but you'll find it a worthwhile investment because helpful resource that you can apply to your academic as well as your professional and personal life.
Remember, if you have any questions about how to evaluate online sources, you can email me at, or contact any one of the ARC librarians.
Original CRAAP Test created by Chico State Librarians. Plus questions inspired by the work of Angela Pashia.
S.I.F.T. stands for:
This is a quick and simple approach that can be applied to all sorts of sources, from scholarly articles to social media posts to memes, that will help you judge the quality of the information you're looking at. It gives you things to do, specifically, four moves you should make, whenever you find a piece of information you want to use or share.
Why S.I.F.T.?
SIFT is an additional set of skills to use alongside the "checklist" of evaluating sources you might have already learned.
Here are some questions you might have already been taught to answer when you look at a website:
However, in today's information ecosystem, these questions may not be enough to determine whether or not you should use a source because:
Adapted from S.I.F.T: Evaluate Information in a Digital World, UO Libraries,
Watch the following 3 minute video for a brief introduction into the S.I.F.T. approach by its designer, Mike Caufield.
Note: This SIFT method guide was adapted from Michael Caulfield's, "Check, Please!" course. The canonical version of this course exists at The text and media of this site, where possible, is released into the CC-BY, and free for reuse and revision. We ask people copying this course to leave this note intact, so that students and teachers can find their way back to the original (periodically updated) version if necessary. We also ask librarians and reporters to consider linking to the canonical version.
As the authors of the original version have not reviewed any other copy's modifications, the text of any site not arrived at through the above link should not be sourced to the original authors.