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GEOL 320 / GEOG 305 - Professor Jaecks (Spring 2025): Finding Sources

Possible Starting Points

These databases could help you decide on a topic and give you some background information. 

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Example Topic: How does fast fashion contribute to climate change?

Example OneSearch Searches:

  1. fast fashion climate change

  2. (fast OR eco OR sustainable) fashion climate change

  3. (fast OR eco OR sustainable) fashion (climate change OR global warming OR energy OR water OR environment)

Parentheses and OR: Use these around keywords separated by the word "or" to expand your search with synonyms. Putting "or" between words means that either term (or both) will be returned in the search. In the example, we are searching for "underage" and want to include similar terms, as well as "drinking or alcohol" in one easy search. 

Example: (garbage OR trash OR plastic) and (stewardship OR conservation OR sustainability)

Asterisk: Use this to shorten a word and search for all possible endings of the root word. This tool will give you more results.


  • sustainab* = sustainable, sustainability
  • ocean* = ocean, oceans, oceanography 
  • stud* = study, studies, studied, studious

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