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Library Research Guides

ENGWR 301 - Professor O'Brien (Spring 2025): MLA Style Help

Library Statement on Citing

While the ARC Library provides information on APA and MLA citation styles in order to support students, we support focusing on the goals of citation (acknowledging, and leading the reader to, sources) rather than on the mechanics. A number of readings have influenced our thinking. In particular, we are given pause by the work of Dr. Asao B. Inoue, who discusses the racial and class concerns associated with grading student work by how closely it approximates a particular style. We invite you to consider with us the costs and benefits of requiring that students produce “proper” or “error-free” citations and would welcome discussion.

MLA Handbook at the ARC Library

MLA Handout from the ARC Library

ARC's Expectations of Student Behavior & Conduct

Cite your Sources: When & Why

MLA Guide at OWL Purdue

OWL Purdue: Professional, Technical Writing Help