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Statistical Resources Online: California/Sacramento

CaliforniaSacramento Statistics

California Department of Finance (demographics and economics)

The Demographic Research Unit provides demographic data for state planning and budgeting. The Economic Research Unit prepares economic forecasts and analyses of various economic developments.

The California Department of Public Health provides statistical and data tables on a variety of demographics from birth, labor, marriage, healthcare, and etc.

The CA Data Exchange Center installs, maintains, and operates a data network that includes automatic snow reporting gages for the Cooperative Snow Surveys Program and precipitation and river stage sensors for flood forecasting.

The California Statistical Abstract is a compilation of data on social, economic, and physical aspects of the State.
Find social science data from a number of databases covering California.
The Sacramento Area Council of Governments information Center has data covering El Dorado, Placer, Sacramento, Sutter, Yolo, and Yuba Counties and the cities within each county.
QuickFacts tables are summary profiles showing frequently requested data items from various Census Bureau programs. Profiles are available for the nation, states, counties, and places.
The Sacramento Forecast Project provides the collection of timely monthly and quarterly data for activities in the Sacramento Region and the reporting of the same to interested parties and the public.