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GEOL 330/GEOG 308 - Professor Jaecks (Spring 2025): Find Primary References

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Example Topic: Reducing the Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Example OneSearch Searches:

  1. great pacific garbage patch

  2. great pacific garbage patch (stewardship OR conservation OR sustainability)

  3. (garbage OR trash OR plastic OR debri*) (pacific OR ocean* OR marine) (stewardship OR conservation OR sustainability)

Parentheses and OR: Use these around keywords separated by the word "or" to expand your search with synonyms. Putting "or" between words means that either term (or both) will be returned in the search. In the example, we are searching for "underage" and want to include similar terms, as well as "drinking or alcohol" in one easy search. 

Example: (garbage OR trash OR plastic) and (stewardship OR conservation OR sustainability)

Asterisk: Use this to shorten a word and search for all possible endings of the root word. This tool will give you more results.


  • ocean* = ocean, oceans, oceanography 
  • debri* = debri, debris
  • stud* = study, studies, studied, studious

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Primary Sources in Science

What's a primary source?

A primary source in the sciences is one in which the author or authors share details of their original research, how they conducted their research and what they learned.

How do I know if something is a primary source?

Abstract or description:

Look for language that indicates the authors conducted a study. For example:

  • "In this study..."
  • "Here, we provide a comprehensive study..."

Sections or text of the article:

If it's not clear from the abstract, Primary sources will typically include a section labeled "Methods" or "Methodology" or maybe "Materials and Methods." Take a look at that section and see if the authors describe how they conducted a study.

How do I find primary sources?

When using OneSearch or other library databases, filter your results to Peer-Reviewed Journals or Scholarly Journals. Not all scholarly journal articles are primary sources, but many of them are. 

How to Read a Scholarly Journal Article