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Library Research Guides

ENGWR 300a - Professor Leung (Spring 2024): Finding Sources

What Should I Do on this Page?

Library databases are great because we can find lots of high-quality information appropriate for college-level work, much of which would not be available on the web.

Library databases are not so great in that they can be tricky to navigate. If you're new to database searching, please watch the OneSearch in One Minute and the Choosing and Using Keywords videos.

Even if you're an experienced database searcher, please watch the Opposing Viewpoints video. Opposing Viewpoints has a lot of content that we should not rely on but is simultaneously useful (if you're curious how that statement can be true, watch the video).

If you have any questions about how to use any of these databases, you can email me at, or contact any one of the ARC librarians.

Suggested Databases

OneSearch lets us search all the library databases and books at the same time. If OneSearch is working well for you, great. You can find the content from all the databases listed below using OneSearch.

However, the more content you are searching through at once, the harder it can be to find good stuff. Searching the other databases in addition to OneSearch can turn up great sources that got buried in OneSearch's results. Or, if using OneSearch is frustrating, try the other databases instead of OneSearch.

OneSearch in One Minute

Choosing and Using Keywords

Opposing Viewpoints