To log in from off-campus, you will need your eServices username (w+student ID) and password.
Use OneSearch to find books and reference resources in the ARC Library, online, and at other Los Rios Libraries. Many of ARC's gerontology books can be found on the second floor of the library under call numbers HQ 1060 – 1064.
Books provide in-depth information about a topic. A book may be by an individual author or a collection of essays/articles by multiple authors. Do not feel like you need to read an entire book unless it is required for your class. Physical items may be checked out at the user services desk at the front of the library. Online resources can be accessed with your student services login (W# + password).
Ebooks on social sciences, information technology, the humanities, business, economics, and more.
Reference books, which include encyclopedias, dictionaries, atlases, and other collections of data, are a great source for general information about a topic. Physical items in the Reference Collection are located behind the Research Help Desk on the first floor of the library. They can only be used in the library and may not be checked out. Online resources can be accessed from any computer using your student services login (W# + password).