Use OneSearch, EBSCO Search, and/or the ARC Library's version of Google Scholar to find the resources you need.
Remember, if you have any difficulty using any of the databases or resources on this page, you can email me at: or contact any one of the ARC librarians.
Use the following strategy to limit your Google searches to educational sources:
Type in your keyword(s) and add the phrase "site:edu"
Example: Holodomor site:edu
Example: (russification or dekorinizatsiya) site:edu
1. Use OneSearch to search for the title of the film. Add the director's name to increase the precision of the results.
Example: "the wanderers" peredvizhniki
2. Limit Resource Type to Reviews to see how critics responded to the film.
3. Need to watch one of the films your professor recommended?
Search the Library's college of streaming video options (start with Kanopy).
NOTE: EBSCO Search does not include the Library's physical items like OneSearch, or any other non-EBSCO databases. In addition, full text searching is not included.
Use a literary databases (e.g. Literature Resource Center) to search for a specific title. Add quotation marks around titles that are phrases.
Example: "Master and Margarita"
Use OneSearch to search for a specific title. And the author's last name to increase your precision.
Example: "what is to be done" chernyshevsky
Background information, scholarly journals, book chapters and magazines covering literary authors and works.
Scholarly journals, ebooks, abstracts, patents and legal research from academic, nonprofit and government sources. Use the Los Rios Full Text link for library provided content.