Here are two quick and helpful guides to help you get familiar with NAICS codes:
The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is used to classify businesses according to the type of work they do. Knowing the NAICS code for your industry is helpful when searching for specific business and marketing information.
You can find your NAICS code by clicking on the Reference Files tab and then "2017 NAICS".
Most of your business proposals will be in the "44-45 Retail" section.
Another way to find your NAICS code, is to do a keyword search in the "2017 NAICS Search" box near the top left.
Here are some examples:
Here is a small list of various trade publications available online:
Scholarly journals, professional journals, reports and magazines in the social sciences, the humanities, and general sciences.
To limit your results to trade publications, use the filters below:
Keyword Searches
When your start searching, a good rule of thumb is to keep your searches between 2-5 keywords.
Example Searches (you can copy and paste these into the search box):
Searching with a NAICS Code
You also can run searches using a NAICS code! To do this you need to type "IC" in capitol letters before your NAICS code.
Example Searches: