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Library Research Guides

Academic Research and Writing: Plagiarism

What is Plagiarism?

According to the American River College Expectations of Behavior and Student Conduct:

Plagiarism is representing the work of someone else as your own and submitting it for any purpose. Plagiarism includes the following:

  • Incorporating the ideas, works, sentences, paragraphs, or parts of another person's writings without giving appropriate credit, and representing the product as your own work
  • Representing another's artistic or scholarly work as your own
  • Submitting a paper purchased from a research or term paper service

Academic dishonesty (including plagiarism) can result in the following consequences:

Depending on the seriousness of the infraction, students may incur the following consequences:

  • Receive a failing grade on the test or paper
  • Have a course grade lowered
  • Be placed on disciplinary probation or suspension
  • Expulsion

ARC Library Research Tutorial

The Library has created a self-paced tutorial in Canvas on avoiding plagiarism and citing sources. The module takes an average of 30 minutes to complete. After finishing the module and getting a score of 75% or higher on the quiz, the option to fill out a certification of completion will appear in the module screen.

A Plagiarism Carol

A hilarious video about plagiarism from Universitetet i Bergen.
Put on subtitles for the English translation. 

Online Resources