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The majority of our eBooks, with almost half a million individual titles, can be found in a variety of databases from a company called EBSCO. Although we have an EBSCO database specifically for eBooks (EBSCO eBook Collection), it is recommended that you search all of our EBSCO databases simultaneously because about half of our eBooks are in other EBSCO databases. Once you submit your search, you can then filter results to limit to only eBooks (see directions below).
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How to read an EBSCO eBook:
Searching EBSCO eBooks
Reading EBSCO eBooks
If you are using a general EBSCO database (one that is not exclusively for eBooks), you can filter your results to show only eBooks. To do this, select "show more" under source types and check the box for eBooks.
Downloading EBSCO eBooks
Downloading EBSCO eBooks to Your Mobile Device