The information on this page can be used to help you learn how to evaluate sources so you can incorporate credible sources into your research, so start by completing the following tasks on this page:
Original CRAAP Test created by Chico State Librarians. Plus questions inspired by the work of Angela Pashia.
Here's how the C.R.A.P test differs from the CRAAP test; both can be used as a guide to help you evaluate your sources:
C = currency; R = reliability; A = authority; P = purpose/point of view
Watch the videos below to see how the C.R.A.P can be used to evaluate different types of sources.
NOTE: If you'd like to see the articles discussed in this video to review their qualities for yourself, click on the links below. They are arranged by order or appearance.
NOTE: If you'd like to see the websites discussed in this video to review their qualities for yourself, click on the links below. They are arranged by order or appearance.
Fake News, Facts, and Alternative Facts (Free online course)
Fake News, Facts, Alternative Facts: Evaluating Your Media Diet (Exercise)
Material on this page is used with permission from MichiganX -Teachout: Fake News, Facts, Alternative Facts